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What speeds do you get?
Ping 10 Down 106.57 Up 21.01

Ping 12 Down 1-4.40 Up 21.04

Day 707 and a better morning than usual, it's Queens Birthday monday here today so most folk are likely in bed late thismorning seeing its a wet cold day..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 12 Down 103.33 Up 21.15

Ping 10 Down 104.58 Up 20.81

Day 708 of this IS and another normal morning..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 5 Down 103.64 Up 21.10

Ping 5 Down 104.63 Up 21.01

Day 709 and all but normal this morning..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 5 Down 104.45 Up 20.92

Ping 6 Down 104.73 Up 21.04

Day 710 of this ISP and another normal morning, surprising given a lot of folk are still working from home..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 11 Down 104.47 Up 21.14

Ping 10 Down 104.61 Up 20.90

Day 711 and normal speeds this morning, I still haven't rebooted the modem and ONT either..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 11 Down 104.51 Up 20.89

Ping 12 Down 104.62 Up 21.19

Day 712 of this ISP and another normal morning, it is saturday so less folk will be working from home..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 11 Down 101.38 Up 2-.66

Pinh 11 Down 1-4.33 Up 20.99

Day 713 and a slower sunday morning, I'm wondering if folk ;eft their computers downloading overnight, it was a bit early fot the kids to be online when I did these tests..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 11 Down 1-4.69 Up 21.00

Ping 11 Down 104.30 Up 21.24

Day 714 of this ISP and another normal morning, I'm still surprised our speeds didn't drop by over 4 Mbps during the Covid 19 pandemic, we had a lot of people working from home during level 4 and 3, some are still woking from home on level 2..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 12 Down 104.90 Up 20.66

Ping 11 Down 104.68 Up 21.14

Day 715 and better than usual this morning, with being back on level 1 more folk are likely back to work to work rather than working from home..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 6 Down 104.60 Up 20.97

Ping 7 Down 104.32 Up 21.o5

Day 716 of thus ISP and another good mornings speeds..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 5 Down 104.64 U[ 20.87

Ping 6 Down 104.52 Up21.04

Day 717 and normal again this morning.. How did or is the internet at your place do with so many folk working from home?
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 5 Down 108.64 Jp 2-.59

Ping 9 Down 103.68 Up 20.66

Say 718 of this ISP and a normal mormong again despite not having rebooted the modem and ONT yet..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 6 Down 1-4.33 U[ 2-.94

Ping 5 Down 104.30 Up 21.01

Day 710, another normal morning.. :_
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 4 Down 1202.44 Up 21.02

Ping 8 Down 102.72 Up 20.16

Day 711 of this ISP and a bit slow this morning, wonder if folk saw good films last night and left their computers downloading all night?
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 6 Dowm 100.10 Up 21.-0

Ping 6 Down 1-4.61 Up 21.00

Day 712 and a slower morning this morning..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 6 Rown 1-4.42 Up 21.06

Ping 5 Down 104.03 Up 21.00

Day 713 of this ISP and about nornal this morning..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 6 Rown 104.55 Up 20.99

Ping 5 Down 104.40 Up 21.07

Day 714 and a normal morning despite still not having rebooted the modem and ONT..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 7 Down 101.69 Up 2-.79

Ping 5 Down 104.56 Up 20.94

Day 716 of yhis ISP, a little slower this morning..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 6 Down 1-4.22 Up 2-.01

Pinh 4 Dpwn 1-4.35 Up 21.06

Day 717 and almost normal this morning..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 7 Down 90.92 Up 20.92

Ping 6 Down 104.51 Up 21.05

Day 718 of this ISP, definately time for a modem and ONT reboot and a DNS flush I think..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 6 Down 104.54 Up 20.96

Ping 7 Down 1-4.38 Up 20.98

Day 719 and near enough to normal this sunday morning,,
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 6 Down 1-1.89 Up 20.71

Ping 6 Down 1-4.59 Up 20.82

Dau720 of this ISP and a slightly slow morning..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 8 Down 103.09 Up 20.75

Ping 5 Down 104.40 Up 20.92

Day 721 and almost normal this morning..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Ping 11 Down 1-4.56 Up 21.04

Ping 12 Down 1-4.35 Up 21.10

Day 722 of this ISP and about normal speeds this morning..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
ingh 5 Down 105.12 Up 21.06

Ping 5 Fown 104.33 Up 21.10

Day 723, a bit better than normal today..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.

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