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Te reo.
Korero.. Pronounced.. co rare og..

Translates to.. to chat.. talk.. speech..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Tā moko.. Pronounced as.. tah mow ko..

Translates to.. to tattoo, apply traditional tattoo, apply moko - sometimes written as one word, i.e. tāmoko..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Wahine.. Pronounced.. wah e nay..

Translates to.. woman, girlfriend..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Tane.. Pronounced.. Tah nay..

Translates to.. Man, boyfriend, young male..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Kia kaha.. Pronounced as.. key ah kah ha..

Translates to.. stay strong...
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Aroha.. Pronounced.. Ah row ah..

Translates to. Love..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Arohanui.. Pronounced.. Ah row ha nu e..

Translates to.. Much love..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Rua.. Pronounced as.. roo ah..

Translates to.. pit or abyss.. also the number two..

In the old days potatoes were kept in a rua pit once grown and harvested.. I'm unsure why the same word is used for the number two though, I suspect it's just a quirk of the language, one word often has several different meanings depending on the context it's used..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Wairua.. Pronounced as.. why ru ah..

Translates to.. spirit, soul..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Waiata.. Pronounced.. why ah ta..

Translates to.. to sing..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Pakipaki.. Pronounced as.. pa key pa key..

Translates to... To clap, slap, pat frequently, tap, applaud...
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Poi.. Pronounced as.. poy..

Translates to.. To toss up, swing the poi, toss up and down, toss about.. a light ball on a string of varying length which is swung or twirled rhythmically to sung accompaniment. Traditionally the ball was made of raupō leaves.
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Tapu.. Pronounced as ta poo..

Translates to.. Be sacred, prohibited, restricted, set apart, forbidden, under atua protection - see definition 4 for further explanations...
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Whenua.. Pronounced as.. fen oo ah..

Translates to... Country, land, nation, state...
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Tangi.. Pronounced.. tah nge..

Translates to... Rites for the dead, funeral - shortened form of tangihanga...
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Here's one I shouldn't really share..

Nono.. Pronounced as it looks.. no no..

Translates to.. anus, backside, bum, butt...
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.

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