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How's the weather at your place?
Another nice fine day here, it's only mid morninf and it's already 22 degrees which was supposed to be the days high..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Another nice fune day, jgst a bit greezy out thus morning.. Got a high of 25 degrees today..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
A nice fine day, just windy.. The bottom half of south island had snow uesterday so we're getting their wind now.. Got a high of 19 degrees roday..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
After tge snow down south on monday it's still a nit chilly here this morning, it seems there was a good 6 inches of snow right down to sea level, I like seeing the snow down south, but it gets a kot colder thrtr than here when it snoes, so glad I wasn;t down there for it.. We have it stranfe at present, it was really overcast at 6.-- a.m. now we're getting the sun, then more overvast, hopefully we'll fet oyr 19 degree high and the cloud will go..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Fine but still a bit chilly agyer the snow down south on mondy afternoon.. Got a high of 16 degrees today..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
A nice fine warm morning afyrt a chilly start, it looks like we're over the cold from the south islands snow on monday afternoon.. Got a firecast high of 23 degrees today..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Another nice fine day here, we've had daylight saving for a week and so far the weather has been qyute mild gere.. Got a high of 24 degrees today..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
A fine day now the suns up and has burned off the cloud, it looks like the forecasters were right, tgey said we could expect a mild spring, so far it's been prettu good ezcepr for mondat's snow down south.. Got a high of 25 degrees today..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Uet another nice fine day here after getting a nice 28 degrees yesterday.. Got a gugh of 24 degrees today..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Another fine day, it was 26 degrees ay 1-.00 a.m. which was the days high, it's proving to be a very mikd spring so far.. Smile
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Rill and overcasr after getting a 29 degree dat testerday, gor a 23 degree saay riday si at leasr ur;s bir cikd..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Another overcast cooler day here, qw nau fet some rain later.. L* Fot a gigh of onlt 18 dehrees todau..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
It;s trning into a nice day after a few grotty days, seems the high will be a better 23 degrees riday..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
A fime day, jyst a little whute cloud about. hpyt a high of 24 degrees today..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
Another nice spring day, ir;s good enough to sungathe outside.. Got a high of 27 degrees today..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.
A njcd fine day afyer gettng a really wet day yrsterdat, got a high of 26 segrees todau..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.

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