09-04-2020, 10:17 AM
Day 23 of level 2 or level 2.5 for Auckland.... Well, parliaments beinf officially dissolved on sunday so all the MP's van get out amd campaihm readu for our election on 14 Ocyober, it'll be interesyong to see ow well the Covid will be handled with everyone campaigning, at east the govertnment still has to step up if something happens.. We had 4 new cases uesterday, 8 are in hospital and there's now 12 recovered, still no deaths this time round so our deaths still stand at 21 to date.. It seems most prople are wearing their masks when necessary, a lot of taxi and bus drivers are carrying spare masks and are handing them out to folk if they don't have obe..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.