04-25-2020, 09:43 AM
We were up to 1,480 cases of Covid 19 as of 1.99 p.m. yesterday with about 1,80 recovered, we've had one more death which brings our total to 16.. We had 5 new and probable cases as well so we're on track to drop from level 4 to level 3 on monday night..
Level 3 will mean most businesses can reopen, but the rest of us are still expected to stay in lockdown and only go out for essentials or a short walk round the block, so hoping level 3 doesn't last much over a month, a lot of us are getting a little stir crazy staying home..
The government has said we can go hunting, if it's on private land, I can't see to many folk being able to unless they know a sheep farmer near by, it seems golfing may be allowed on level 3 as well as long as there's not to many others at the golf courses, all sports games will still be postponed though..
Level 3 will mean most businesses can reopen, but the rest of us are still expected to stay in lockdown and only go out for essentials or a short walk round the block, so hoping level 3 doesn't last much over a month, a lot of us are getting a little stir crazy staying home..
The government has said we can go hunting, if it's on private land, I can't see to many folk being able to unless they know a sheep farmer near by, it seems golfing may be allowed on level 3 as well as long as there's not to many others at the golf courses, all sports games will still be postponed though..
Love many, trust few, paddle your own waka.