Sandy's Whare

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We'll add some of the maori language here, it may be one word at a time, well give the word, how it's pronounced, and what it means in english.. There's no letter "F"in the Maori alphabet. if you see a word that starts with "WH" then that is pronounced as an "F" in maori..

If there's an "R" in a word, it's always rolled, just like the Scottish roll their R in a good Scottish accent..

The other surprising thing is that Rarotongan and the Maori languages are very similar, one difference is the Rarotongan's speak a lot faster, so people like myself who aren't 100% fluent have a lot of trouble keeping up, some fluent Maori have been known to have a little trouble keeping up especially given the Rarotongan's have a slightly different way of pronouncing some words..

At some stage we'll start a different thread and ask you to see if you can translate a few words in to english, it may be one word, it may be a sentence.. Smile Don't worry though, we'll make sure it's only words that have already been added here..
Whare.. Pronounced as.. fo ree..

Translates to.. House..
Kai.. Prononounced as ki..

Translation.. food..
Whenua.. Pronounced as.. fe nu ah..

Translation.. Land..
Tapu.. Pronounced as.. tah poo..

Translates to.. Sacred..
Hoha.. Pronounced as.. hoe hah..

Translates to.. be boring, tiresome, bored, wearisome, fed up with, tedious, exasperating, irksome, annoying, vexatious.
Morena.. Pronounced as.. more eh na..

Translates to.. morning.. good morning..
Ahiahi.. Pronounced as.. ah he ah he..

Translates to.. Afternoon.. good afternoon.. evening..
Pomarie.. Pronounced as.. po mah re eh.

Translates to.. good night..
Wahine.. Pronounced as.. wah he neigh..

Translates to.. Female or woman..
Tamariki .. Pronounced as.. tam ah re key..

Translates to.. children..
Mokopuna.. Pronounced as.. Moh ko poo nah..

Translates to.. grandchildren..
Awhi.. Promounced as.. ah fee..

Translates to.. Help..
Kia ora.. Pronounced as.. key oar ra..

Translates to.. hello and thank you..
Kia kaha.. Pronounced as.. key ah kah ha..

Translates to.. stay strong..
Ehoa.. Pronounced as.. eh how ah..

Translates to.. Friend..
Ka kite ano.. Pronounced as.. cah key tay ah no..

Translates to.. See you later..
Whare.. Pronounced as foh ree

Translates to.. House..
Puoro.. Pronounced as.. Poo or oh..

Translates to.. Music..
Waiata.. Pronounced as.. Why ah ta..

Translates to.. Song..
Kaitiaki.. Pronounced as.. ki yea ah key..

Translates to.. Caretaker or manager..
Kaumatua.. Pronounced as.. co ma to ah..

Translates to elderly male..
Kuia.. Pronounced as.. coo ee ah..

Translates to elderly lady..
Tuatahi.. Pronounced as.. to ah ta he..

Translates to.. First..
Tikanga.. Pronounced as.. tea kung ah..

Translates to.. Correct procedure, custom, habit, lore, method, manner, rule, way, code, meaning, plan, practice, convention, protocol - the customary system of values and practices that have developed over time and are deeply embedded in the social context..
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