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Got a pork & plum casserole almost cooked in the crockpot, the veges are ready to cook and there;s a berry and apple crumble in the oven, just have to make custard for it..
Chicken satay and rice with a bit of a mix up of veges and a piece of hummingbird cake for afters..
Deciding beyween another meal of pork & plum casserole or a cottage pie meal I put in the freezer, the cottage pies winning at present, I may just have a piece of carrot cake for afters too..
Roast lamb with all the trimmings, and a nice dollop of mint jelly on top.. Got a raspberry and apple crumble cooking, that smells about cooked, so better put the lamb in..
Just made a shepperds pie with yesterdays leftover roast lamb and veges, there's some leftover berry & apple crumble and custard for pud too..
I found a roast beef meal I put in the freezer a week or so ago, so that's for dinner today seeing this old mans feeling a bit tired and stiff and sore..
Mac cheese with a load of bacon and cheese all in and over it..
Got a chicken satay meal out I should eat seeing it's been in the freezer for about 10 days, I may have a piece of carrot cake for afters too..
Corned beef and mustard sauce with mash and veges, carrot cake for afters..
Chicken satay today and a piece of Hummingbird cake for afters..
Roast beef and all the trimmings, then an berry & apple crumble and custard for pud if there's room for it, lol..
Cottage pie and leftover veges from yesterday..
Ham & cheese toasties for lunch and leftover cottage pie this evening..
Bubble & squeek with some bacon and eggs.. nom nom..
Corned beef in the crockpot, veges are ready to coo and carrot cake in the oven..
Corned beef and a bubble & squeek of leftover veges.. There's a piece of carrot cake for afters too..
Ham & cheese toasties seeing I can't be bothered cooking today..
Roast lamb with all the trimmings, then some berry & apple crumble and custard if there's room..
Bubble & squeek with some bacon & eggs..
Ham & cheese toasties shortly..
Chicken satay later and a piece of carrot cake for afters..
Got pork & plum casserole in the crockpot, hopefully it's cooked by mud day, then a bit of berry & apple crumble and custard for pud..
Got a meal of corned beef and veges I had in the freezer out seeing I'm to lazy to cook today, there's some leftover berry & apple crumble and custard too..
Having a satay chicken meal I froze easrly in the week and a piece of hummingbird cake for afters..
Roast lamb wit all the trimmings and mint jelly of course.. Then there's some raspberry & apple crumble for pud, if there's room for it, lol..
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