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Roast lamb qith the trimmings and a load of mint jellu..
I was going to have cold roast lamb and veges but just ended up making a sheppards pie instead.... Berry and apple crumble and custard for pud..
I got a pork & plum casserolr meal I made out of the freezer seeing I'm to lazy to cook today..
Got a nice mac cheese ready to heat and eat..
Keftover mac cheese, I may go silly and have some veges with it too, lol.. Got carrot cake in the oven and icing ready for it, so may jave a piece for afters..
Chicken stay and a piece of hummingbird cake for afters..
Got a nice syew in the crockpot that's been cooking really slowly all night, it's tasting okay too..
Just have to do some mashed potatoes now the kast of the veges are in the stew..
Got stew today and froze the rest..
Cottage pie and leftover veges, then a bit of leftover berry & apple crumble and custard..
Bubble & squeek with bacon and eggs..
Having a stew meal I had in the freezer..
I just got a chicken sayau meal I made out afyrt making a couple of chicken kievs..
Mac cheese seeing it's a cold, wet miserabke day..
Keftover mac cheese and veges, maybe a piece of carrot cake for afters..
I just realised I made a couple of chicken kievs 2 days ago, sp they're on the menu, there's a couple of potatoes baking in the oben, they'll get riht royally stuffed with pepper, tomayo etx, got brocolli and cauli ready to cook too, that'll get a nice xheesy cheese sauce on it..
Got a nice pieve of roast beef in the oveb, all the veges are ready and horseradisg sauce is made, there's even some berry and apple crumble and custard made for if I have room for ut..
Cottage pie and leftover veges, then the last of the berry and apple crumbke and custar..
Bacon and egg sammies, maybe a piece of carrot cake for afters..
I feel like having fish & chips, but have just made a mac cheese with bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes and a load of grated cheese..
Found a meal of stew in the freezer sp will do mashed potato with butter and grated cheese to go with it, there's veges in the stew, so it's an easy meal today..
I just made a nice big home made pizza with all the goodies, pastry making us one thing I'm not very good ay so had to use store boufgt pastry, there's a smallish carrot cake and a small hummingbird cake cooking, so will have some after lunch once it's iced..
Corned beef in rge crocjpot amost coojed, just have to do sone veges..
Roast kambs cooking, veges ready to cook and a berry and apple crumble with custard is ready for pud..
Bubble amd squeek qith bacon and runny eggs, num bum... I may have a piece of humminhbird cake too..
Shepperds pie with cheese on top and leftover veges from the roast lamb..
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